Thursday, July 15, 2010


I am so behind on posting pictures, I won't even try to catch up.  Last week we had to wipe out our computer (because of a bad virus) and start fresh, so I'm in the process of reloading programs and reorienting myself to the new computer setup.  I am trying to sort through the pictures of this summer so far.  I wonder how many pictures of my kids I'll have by the time they go to college?  Probably close to a million I am guessing =)  What is one to do with all these pictures?  Do we print them or just keep them on the computer?  Photo albums and scrapbooking are both daunting tasks that I am not willing to take on at the moment, so for now, as I sort through the photos, I'll just share a few faves =)

My little cowgirl

Future heartbreaker aka "Luke"
I am sure girls will go gaga for that curly hair

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