I married my best friend and I can't imagine doing life without him!
Falling in love with Trey is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. He is such a blessing to me and to our family. Our wedding day was truly one of the happiest days of my life and I am so proud to be his wife. Trey truly complements me in so many ways and I think we make a great team. Marriage is a challenge at times, but it is so rewarding! Thanks for 7 wonderful years Trey and I praythat we have many many more!
Wish I had a wedding pic, but we didn't have digital photography at our wedding. May try to scan one today... We'll see. Stay tuned for pics from the weekend!
I came over from Old Miss Mom ... happy anniversary! Good photography must run in your family; your photos are beautiful. I'll be back!
Thanks! Huge huge compliment!
happy anniversary! you share the day with my parents!
Happy Anni!!!!!!!!! And I love that pic of y'all!
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