Monday, March 15, 2010

Sew Fun!

I love cute ruffle shorts with mongrammed or applique tshirts.  I really wanted to get the girls a few of these matching outfits, but the best price I could find was about $30 per outfit... So I decided that I could do it myself for a lot less!

For about $24, I bought supplies (from Hancock) to make 8 pairs of shorts/bloomers for the girls.  That comes out to be about $3 each pair.  Here's my first attempt.  I used Becky for the shorts and Frannie Baby for the bloomers. 

Hopefully I'll have a cute picture of my precious cuties in these soon!

I am sewing with Jennifer in a few days, so hopefully we'll have lots of cute new clothes to post soon.  Projects are so much more fun when you have a friend to do them with!


The Hairstons said...

CUTE!! I didn't know you could sew! Great job!

Alphabet Designs said...

Hey Abby - I am sure you already have someone doing it for you but I would love to do some appliques/ monograms for you!

ATinkLife said...

I love them!!!!