Friday, December 18, 2009

My Christmas List

I don't think my husband has read my blog but maybe once, but I thought I'd post a Christmas list anyway!  I've already told him a few things I wanted for Christmas, but when I started telling him about this lens, he got that "deer in the headlights" look and basically told me there was no way he'd get it right.  So, in attempts to make it easier on him... Here you go sweetie!
Now, I still do not expect that I'll actually get this, because I do know it would be hard, especially since it's so close to Christmas... but it sure would be a great surprise! 

Another little item that I've been wanting for years, but I can never find them on sale, and I just can't justify spending the money....

Then there's the taboo "cleaning item" that you should never get a woman for a gift...
But, I still want one.  It doesn't matter that I only have 3 small areas of linoleum to "steam." 
I have been in the market for one of these, but after Target had their black friday deal of $49 on a regularly $119 steam mop(which I did not get), I just can't spend over $50 on one. 
My name is Abby and I am a dealaholic.  I can't pay full price for anything and if I ever buy something and then see if for cheaper, I feel sick!

Honestly though, I am so excited about what my kiddos are getting for Christmas, I don't really care if I get anything.  Christmas with little ones is the best!


The Hairstons said...

Hope you get everything on your list :) You will love the 50mm lens!

Allen and Stephanie Drew said...

yes yes, i've wanted a hobo for a while...but like you, can't bring myself to pay it. hope santa was listening...maybe you'll get your lens...and the mop!