Thursday, September 24, 2009

Enter at your own risk...

We got a security system yesterday which I am SO HAPPY about especially with Trey being gone so much. I have never felt the need for one before, but recently I have wanted a little extra security.
We got a great deal from ADT with a $49 installation and only a 1 year contract. I am very relieved that it is now installed and fully operational.
However, as a cheaper alternative, Trey seemed to think placing this sign outside would have been just as effective. Beware intruders! We do have a double barrel shotgun and apparently Trey isn't afraid to use it.... HAHAHAHAHA=)


Wanting What I Have said...

Abby...I just found your blog via Ole Miss husband and I graduated with Trey and well, when I read this post and saw that sign I CRACKED up! That is hilarious!!!

Your children are beautiful!

Riley said...

Hahahahahahaha! Trey would say that!