Saturday, August 4, 2012

Selma Grace 14 months

I took Selma Gracce to the Botanical Gardens this morning for a quick photo shoot.  I want a good black and white of her to frame so I thought I'd try my luck.   After 30 minutes of sweating and snapping, here's what I ended up with.  I over exposed the best ones which was soooo frustrating.  But, after some iPhoto editing I'm pretty pleased considering I was by myself and she wasn't extremely cooperative.  She fell down and busted her head and knee within 2 minutes of getting there, poor thing.  (I've edited her boo boo out in most of them) And, I was a pushing around a stroller loaded with purse, diaper bag, camera bag, clothes, sippy cup etc...   Didn't get my "framer" but I thought I captured her at this age pretty well.  Next time I'll take a helper and try for some smiles!

At 14 months, she's definitely a curious little thing.  She's always exploring and climbing!  She has some funny expressions and if she's not smiling, she usually has a serious yet inquisitive look on her face.  Definitely captured some of those faces below.

This is my favorite one and if it had turned out a little better I'd definitely frame it.  I still may if I can get it a little more BW and a little less sepia.  I waaaayyy overexposed it and the original is super whited out.  I "boosted" it a bunch and then "lighten"ed it and then did black and white, haha.  I'm sure there's a better way to edit it.  
It's definitely a great Selma Grace smile though, so I had to try and work with it!

There's the boo boo unedited =(  she cried

Love those little toes sticking out!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Nesting dilemma

I am a huge "nester" when it comes to pregnancy.  I think the normal nesting instinct combined with my extreme need/desire to plan ahead (like waaaay ahead) pushes me to nest like a crazy woman while I'm pregnant.  A big part of my nesting is doing the nursery and getting clothes etc ready.  I've done a different nursery for each of my babies - some people probably think that is silly and unnecessary, especially since I have all girls, but it was important to me.  It's my way to make sure that each of them is seen as special.  It's also a bonding experience and a way for me to mentally prepare for their arrival.  I love the whole process of planning the room, sewing, monogramming things, all the little touches!

My dilemma this time is that there is no "nursery" to do since we'll be a family of 6 in a 3 bedroom house=) and with 3 big sisters she really won't need any clothes.  My whole routine is thrown off.  I don't know what to do to mentally prepare for this sweet girl.   She'll be living in our bedroom/den in the bassinet and then possibly sharing a room with Selma Grace until we move next summer when she's 8 months old.  We might put another crib in the room with SG, but I hate to commit to that if they don't sleep well together.  The baby clothes never got put away, so they're out and clean.  There's not much I need to buy, although I do want to get a few things - baby gear has come a LONG way since I had Sophie!  I might smock something for her and if we ever pick out a name I'll get her some bloomers monogrammed, but other than that I'm at a loss.  Let me know if you have any ideas...

As far as things I want to get before she arrives
1. double stroller  - we got the city select, i just have to get the second seat kit
2. aden and anais bamboo blanket - i have the regular ones, but the bamboo ones are soooooo soft!
3. ergo baby carrier - love a sling for newborns and comfort of the moby but i want the convenience of buckle straps this time
4.  possibly a snapngo stroller for times (if there are any) when i'm running errands with just her, i'm not sure if i'll ever have just her with me, hehe

 1 girl
2 girls
3 girls
4 girls!