I took Selma Gracce to the Botanical Gardens this morning for a quick photo shoot. I want a good black and white of her to frame so I thought I'd try my luck. After 30 minutes of sweating and snapping, here's what I ended up with. I over exposed the best ones which was soooo frustrating. But, after some iPhoto editing I'm pretty pleased considering I was by myself and she wasn't extremely cooperative. She fell down and busted her head and knee within 2 minutes of getting there, poor thing. (I've edited her boo boo out in most of them) And, I was a pushing around a stroller loaded with purse, diaper bag, camera bag, clothes, sippy cup etc... Didn't get my "framer" but I thought I captured her at this age pretty well. Next time I'll take a helper and try for some smiles!
At 14 months, she's definitely a curious little thing. She's always exploring and climbing! She has some funny expressions and if she's not smiling, she usually has a serious yet inquisitive look on her face. Definitely captured some of those faces below.

This is my favorite one and if it had turned out a little better I'd definitely frame it. I still may if I can get it a little more BW and a little less sepia. I waaaayyy overexposed it and the original is super whited out. I "boosted" it a bunch and then "lighten"ed it and then did black and white, haha. I'm sure there's a better way to edit it.
It's definitely a great Selma Grace smile though, so I had to try and work with it!
There's the boo boo unedited =( she cried
Love those little toes sticking out!