Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Hoping to be able to annouce the arrival of our new baby girl (name and all) and have some pics along with a great birth story soon!  I was so happy to have an unmedicated birth last with Selah last time, however I did speed things up with a good bit of pitocin.  I am hoping this time to let things really happen all on their own, no pitocin or any other medication.  We'll see how that goes though.  I'm not really opposed to having my water broken once I know I'm in active labor, but I'm just curious to see how my body will handle things all on its own.  If I don't have her this weekend, hopefully I'll get here nursery done.  Nothing like waiting til the last minute to pull everything together!  I guess that is how it is with Baby #3. Here's a snippet of what I've been working on...

This is her ($50garage sale find) armoire that is in the process of getting a facelift and will hopefully be much cuter when its done!

 Used a Heather Bailey Fabric to make her changing pad cover.  You can see the COLOR of her nursery here too =)  It's definitely a happy room!

Here's the fabric for part of the window treatments.  I think they are going to turn out super cute and can't wait to post a pic of the finished product.

Here's another pic of her changing table and one of two cute pink metal baskets I got at the same garage sale where I got her armoire.

Praying for a healthy baby and safe delivery soon!  Hope you all have a great Memorial Day Weekend!