Friday, February 4, 2011

Nursery inspiration!

Sorry for the absence, but we've been living in limbo for a while as we are in between houses.  My in laws graciously took us in for a few months to help us out, but I am excited that God has provided a precious house in Homewood that we'll be renting for the next two+ years.  I've been a busy preggo bee the last two weeks picking paint colors and figuring out things for our new house.  We are super excited to have a big yard and great location to look forward to this spring!  I'll probably be picking up the blogging by showing you what I'm planning for the house.  I know it's a rental, so we can't do anything permanent, but I'm going to try to make it as homey and comfy as possible for the time we are there. 
So, lets get started with the NURSERY for a precious little baby girl who is yet to be named. 
Here's her wall color called Gypsy Rose by Benjamin Moore.  I'm not sure how true to color this pic is, but it seems to be pretty close.  It's a very saturated rosy pink and I heart it so much!  Her nursery has great light so I felt it could handle the color.

The bumpers that I found at Target ($45) were my starting point because unless you are making your own (which I was hoping to avoid) this is the hardest thing to find, or find affordably I should say=)  So, now that I have bumpers and a paint color, I can get creative! ( I should give the disclaimor that the color in this pic is definitely off, they are a brighter pink and  I promise they go with the wall color.  Both are almost a watermelon pink if I had to name them.)
After a little net surfing, I came across a gold mine of a fabric site
Cheerful, unique and a hint of vintage is how I'd describe the feel of her fabrics. 
I am thinking this one will be the crib skirt.  I ordered 1/2 yard to see the colors before I commit.
If I like it enough, I may even use it for the windows or a pillow or something...
You can find it by going to her site and clicking on the Nicey Jane Fabrics.
 Here's another gem of a fabric from her site, apparently it's almost all gone, so I may just have to snag some of it and find a way to work it in.  Love the colors and pattern.  Perfect for a nursery=)
These next two fabrics from the same site have a little more of a retro feel to them and I can't decide which color to use.  All of these fabrics are going to be about $9 a yard so I'm trying to figure out a way to incorporate them while getting the biggest bang for my buck.  One idea I had is to use sheets or just plain white inexpensive curtains and add a border to spice things up. 
This room has 2 large windows and IMO it's screaming for drapes.  The windows are black metal, so they need to be covered beautified! 

The last plug for the Heather Bailey Store I'll do is this precious little ring stacker pattern that would be a perfect project for a rainy day (boy we've been having a lot of those lately!)  It seems like a great way to add a personal touch to any nursery while using scraps of leftover fabrics from other projects.  I haven't ordered it yet, but I may soon....  Would be great to make for a baby gift for a special friend too!

The house has almost all hardwood flooring which we've never had so I have zilch in the way of rugs.
I am LOOOOVing these shag rugs from Restoration Hardware
They seems oh so soft and plush, they also don't look like animal hair which is one thing I sometimes don't like about shag rugs.  They are cotton and wool I think.  At only $129 for a 4x6, my only dilemma is pink or white???

 And last but not least, my most recent Craigslist purchase!    Scored this fab mirror for $20.  I saw it, I drooled,  and immediately emailed the guy with the subject line "want the mirror!"  When I went to pick it up, what I thought was going to be a 24"-36" tall mirror is more like 48"-60" tall.  Nevertheless, I was excited that it was so big feeling I had "gotten my money's worth."  Just needs a good coat of paint and voila!  It may be too big for the nursery, but I'm sure I can use it somewhere else.